Today, it thrills me no end to have my author friend TC Avey visiting my blog. TC and I have been friends for a long while, and I’m so excited she released her debut novel this week!
I was blessed to be an endorser for The Precipice: When Everything We Know Ends, a collection of futuristic Christian short stories. Please comment below and tweet for a chance to win an e-copy of The Precipice!
Here’s a little intro to this great gal:
TC Avey is a Christian devoted to God, family and friends. She is passionate about encouraging Christians to live a life dedicated to Christ as well as helping them understand the importance of preserving our national freedoms through knowledge and love. She blogs at Wisdom of a Fool. You can also follow her on Twitter. Her book, The Precipice: When Everything We Know Ends, is available on Amazon. You can purchase it by clicking here.
Author Interview with TC Avey:
HG: I’d love to know the inspiration for your book. Could you share that with us?
TC: The simple answer is God.
But it’s more complex than that.
My entire life I’ve loved Current Events and History. In 2008 God began showing the Bible to me from those two perspectives and it has changed my life.
I can no longer read Current Events and not link them with God’s Word. I can’t learn about history and not see God’s hand at work.
The day before Memorial Day, I sat in church thanking God for the freedom to worship Him without fear. I did nothing to earn this freedom. But I can’t take for granted that this type of liberty will always exist.
I may not have done anything to “earn” this right, but I do have a responsibility, as an American and as a Christian, to help ensure that this precious gift is preserved.
After church, I sat down and wrote most of this book. Months passed before I acted upon the words God gave me.
Slowly, I began linking each story with Modern Events.
The more I delved into it, the easier it became to see that God wants people to wake-up to the dangers facing Christians around the globe.
People die each day for the name of Christ.
I’ve no clue how strong their walk with Him is. But I do know that if I don’t put forth the effort to follow my God when I’m free to do so, I will have a hard time doing it if it’s ever a crime.
HG: I really appreciate how you link real news events with these stories. Could you explain the significance of your title, The Precipice?
TC: Synonyms for Precipice are rock face, cliff, abyss.
All those terms explain the precarious position our world is in. We are standing on the edge of change. That change can be for the better or the worse (abyss).
God’s Word must remain a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105).
That way, even if we fall into the abyss, we can find our way out and hopefully bring others with us.
It’s my prayer that this book will change lives and spur devotion to the only “sure thing”—God.
HG: Do you categorize your book as dystopian? If so, what sets it apart?
TC: I do categorize it as dystopian, as well as speculative or “end times”. I really dislike all those titles as people often see them and look no further into a book.
The problem is I don’t know any other book like mine. I know great works of fiction that have left me thinking about them days later. I know devotionals with such inspired Discussion Questions that I’m driven closer to God. I know books that link God’s Word with Modern Events and completely blow my mind.
But I don’t know any other book that combines fiction, Modern Events and Discussion Questions.
But to be fair, I haven’t read every book published. So if anyone knows one, please let me know. I’d love to read it.
HG: How long did it take you, from the time you decided to self-publish your novel, to publication? Any highs or lows you’d like to share about the process?
TC: It took way longer than I imagined. My original goal was to have this published before Christmas 2013. But reality set in and I realized I needed more editing.
Each time I thought I was ready for the next step, God slowed me down.
I’m so grateful for all the people who have helped me along this journey. Each one of them (you, Heather) are in my life by God’s design.
Each day I commit this book, and it’s timing, to God’s care.
HG: (Aw, thank you, TC!) Having read your thought-provoking book, I will say that it made me think about things I sometimes try to ignore. One story, in particular, sticks with me…a decision Christians might have to make in the future. How should we balance keeping informed on possible future persecution with not worrying about the morrow?
TC: Excellent question!
Like I mentioned above, God began changing my world view in 2008. At first, I completely freaked out. I was scared, overwhelmed, angered, discouraged, and in awe that so many were blissfully and willfully ignorant of what was staring them in the face.
I was so distraught that I almost didn’t have a baby!
By 2012 I began focusing more on who God is, than on satan.
Not a day has ever occurred that God didn’t ordain.
He holds the world in His hands and nothing touches us without His approval.
It’s vital that people KNOW Him and TRUST Him.
I pray my book doesn’t scare people. That’s what satan wants. People bound in fear.
1 John 4:18 tells us that “perfect love casts out fear”.
God IS that perfect love.
We must abide in Him- the vine (John 15:1-16).
It’s not about what we can do or how strong we are…it’s all about God.
Because greater is He in me than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).
HG: What is the most helpful tip you have for authors planning to self-publish?
TC: Plan for distractions. Schedule more time than what you think is needed. I thought when I finally extended my deadline I had plenty of time…but life happens.
Also, make time to enjoy life and be with God and family.
Without God and family, any accomplishment really isn’t worth it.
HG: Great advice! And so wonderful to have you visit today, TC!
****Please comment below and tweet about this giveaway for a chance to win an e-copy of The Precipice! I know TC will be happy to answer any questions! We will draw a winner next Wednesday!****
Wow! Sounds intriguing! I experienced the same thing after September 11! I was filled with fear and apprehension about the future. After a few months, I decided to plunge into Bible Study and came to love the Word of God and started to see His hand in things. Best wishes on your book launch! 🙂
Thanks for sharing that, Julie. I remember the first time I was pregnant and a man who worked at the grocery store asked if I was sure I wanted to bring a child into this crazy world (even crazier now!). Of course the answer was yes! God will always aid His people, no matter what the social/political/world climate. Thanks for stopping by and you’re entered in the giveaway!
God’s Word can pierce through any fear! That’s a powerful testimony, Julie as there are many people now worried about the future and unsure if they want to have a child.
Have a blessed day. Thanks for commenting and tweeting.
Sounds like we are of like mind, TC, what we write and our names too! LOL!
I’d love to win a copy. Promise to leave a review too. Those are soooo important as we know.
Thanks for answering God’s call to write.
Oh – you might check out by Joel Rosenberg and also I recently read
Unsure if that’s what you’re talking about but… It sounded like it!
All the best and WELCOME to indie publishing! It’s PAWSOME says my co-author! 😉
So wonderful to meet you! Both those books are on my “wish list” of books to purchase. So many wonderful books, so little time 🙂
Have you read anything by Joel Richardson?
Thanks for welcoming me into the indie publishing. I’m having fun.
Blessings to you and thanks again. You’ve got a 50/50 shot of winning right now.
Wow……..I feel your passion. The interesting thing is that I tried to watch “The Vikings” on the history channel and it was so dark and cruel that I had to turn it off. Such an interesting turn to hear you are doing a Vikings book. Cool!
Thanks Madeline! I think this comment went on another post on my books, but I appreciate it!
Heather, I don’t mean to be a downer, but this blogspot is hard to follow……I had a heck of a time finding it and then finding it again….
Sorry, Madeline! The blogspot is under the blog tab, and the home page has my book, if that helps!