Today (West Virginia Day!) is the official launch day of my first mystery, Miranda Warning. I’m so thrilled about this and HERE is the link to find it for Kindle and in softcover. If you don’t have a Kindle, there are many ways to load a Kindle app. Before I had a Kindle, I used the free app for my computer… Read More
So You’ve Decided to Self-Publish…the Final Steps
Whew! We’ve whizzed through the basics here…from getting your manuscript ready to locking in early readers to marketing strategies, I know it’s been a whirlwind. I’m going to conclude the series with the final steps in getting your book-baby wrapped up in its tidy package and out the door. 1) I recommend a set launch date. I think I’ve mentioned this… Read More
So You’ve Decided to Self-Publish…The Second Step (Early Readers)
I’m only going to talk about one step today–early readers–because I feel it’s such an important step for the debut author (and helpful for any author). Quick recap: last week we made sure your novel: 1) Was properly edited. This includes: beta readers, crit partners, professional edits, and self-edits. (To clarify: I consider beta readers a handful of early readers who… Read More
Honest Book Reviews in Christian Book Circles
A SOUND AMONG THE TREES by Susan Meissner–my new favorite book! Have you ever written a book off your to-be-read list due to bad reviews? I did. I read a particularly harsh review of Susan Meissner’s A Sound Among the Trees, which seemed to indicate that a house was haunted, there was a seance used to solve a ghost problem,… Read More