I’m only going to talk about one step today–early readers–because I feel it’s such an important step for the debut author (and helpful for any author). Quick recap: last week we made sure your novel: 1) Was properly edited. This includes: beta readers, crit partners, professional edits, and self-edits. (To clarify: I consider beta readers a handful of early readers who… Read More
So You’ve Decided to Self-Publish…The First Steps (Editing, Cover Art, and Blurb)
I *might* be a tad crazy for starting up this series when I’m pretty busy (possibly procrastinating), but I get a lot of questions from authors pondering self-publishing. Hybrid authors, debut authors, you name it. So I’m going to keep it simple and each week, just throw out some steps in my process. Your process will NOT look exactly like… Read More
End of the Year Recap and Future Writing Plans
Hi everyone! Just did a little vlog to catch up a bit! A shout-out from me to you!
When your Word of the Year Gets Real
As we hurtle toward the end of 2013, I have been spending more and more time reflecting how my word of 2013 showed up in my life. BLESSING. My word was BLESSING. Now, to be utterly honest, I thought for sure I knew exactly what the blessings would look like: 1) Our old house, on the market since last September,… Read More
Novel Rocket!
I’ve shared on my FB author page, but just wanted to share something here today. I’m now a contributor to the wealth of online author/industry information, Novel Rocket! I’d love for you to check out my first post today. I’m often asked what authors need to do before self-publishing. There are three key elements to get into place. I feel… Read More
When it’s not Personal
I’m just pondering how paralyzing it is to spend time worrying about our online stats. When I first got on Facebook, I remember being shocked when someone would unfriend me. Had I come across the wrong way? Offended someone? Then twitter. As I was building my numbers, I noticed when people dropped me. Was it personal? (Answer–almost never! Twitter is… Read More