Well, it’s barely still Wednesday, and I’m behind in my blogginess, but here’s a quote I dug up from my college years. I wrote down numerous quotes from books I was required to read for lit classes (and most of them, I wound up loving). This is from Out of the Silent Planet, by C.S. Lewis, and I’m sorry to admit it wasn’t one of my all-time fave novels. However, this quote was just so richly poetic…
“For what we have to say is said in stone and suns’ blood and stars’ milk…”
****Any fave poetic blips you’d like to share? Turns of phrase that quicken the heartbeat or feed your imagination? Do share!****
While I greatly enjoyed the Space Trilogy and Chronicles of Narnia by Lewis, my favorite novel of his was TIL WE HAVE FACES. Excellent here, though.
Lovely quote! Some of my favorite poetic snippets are from Beowulf; I'm awed by how descriptions of blood and gore and drinking mead can sound so lovely. 🙂
Think me not unkind and rude,That I walk alone in grove and glen;I go to the god of the woodTo fetch his word to men.I LOVE this quote.Basically…I'm alone, I'm okay, don't panic or judge.
Julie, I HAVE to read TIL WE HAVE FACES. My hubby told me the plotline and I was totally hooked. And Jennifer, love this quote. Walking alone in grove and glen…just what I love. And Faith, I haven't read Beowolf, I'm ashamed to admit. My hubby also summarized that one for me back when we were dating. Maybe it's time for me to plunge into that one myself!