I was just sitting around pondering that I’d much rather read one standalone title that rocks my world, with well-crafted prose, an un-put-downable storyline, and characters so real I can see them, than read a hastily-assembled and sometimes formulaic series with characters I could care less about.
Along this vein, I was thinking of stand-alone novels that have blown me away in recent years, and so many jumped to mind. I just wanted to give these authors a shout-out today. Generally my take-away from a mind-blowing standalone novel is this: I can’t wait until this author has another book I can read.
My friend Trish told me about this one. I devoured it, enjoying the juxtaposition of a mother/daughter relationship and an older Romanian man with stories to share. I am still watching anxiously for Rachel’s next book!
I was blessed to be an early reader/endorser of this contemporary, hard-hitting novel. Sally has a way of keeping me on the very edge of my seat, even with a romantic read like this.
Becky is my critique partner, and I’ve read all her novels. I have loved Every. Single. One. But this one is so important for those with marriages that are teetering or have fallen into the ruin of an affair. I will never forget Jake and Nora, the couple in this book.
I loved this Young Adult sci-fi novel and I *think* there is a follow-up in the works, which both my daughters and I will be thrilled to get our hands on. This one wasn’t heavy on romance, but featured a realistic sister-relationship.
Speaking of YA, this one blended my love of psychological thrillers with lovely prose for an unforgettable read. Often psych. thrillers have a ton of language/scenes, but this one didn’t (though there was some–this is not Christian fiction).
I loved this Southern contemporary read about a woman who wakes up from a coma, only to have to choose between men…this one touches on deeper issues, too. Very enjoyable read.
Speaking of deeper issues–this one delves into human trafficking in the USA and Susie is so skilled at bringing distasteful situations/people to life in a way that doesn’t revel in the heartache, but helps us feel it deeply. I won’t forget this one.
I heard mixed reviews on this one–mostly that it was very different from other Christian fiction out there–so of course I had to read it. Yes, it was gritty in parts. Yes, it was totally different from probably all of Angela’s other novels. But I truly, truly loved it, because it made me think.
These are just a few standalone novels that have stuck with me over the past few years. I know there are so many more. Not that I have anything against series! I love finding a series I want to follow to the end. I try to write them, too! But I wanted to sing the praise of the standalone novel, especially to other authors out there. Don’t fret if you can’t develop a series from each book. Write what’s on your heart–your readers will be thankful you did!
****Reader, what standalone novels have rocked your world?****
Thanks for including Kept, Heather! I haven’t read most of these so thanks for bringing other books to my attention. 🙂
I’m looking forward to the day when Kept isn’t a standalone anymore! 🙂 But it is a great read, standalone or no!