Just a quick Friday question:
In all your fiction reading, classic or modern, who’s the baddest of the bad villains you’ve ever come across? Or even the worst main character that you loved to hate?
Both of these two were pretty bad! But we still loved reading about them…
Or for a modern bad girl, how about Hilly Holbrook, from The Help?
And let’s not forget the strange, yet sad Gollum. Sometimes you’re screaming “Don’t trust him!” and sometimes you’re feeling sorry for him.
Sometimes these baddies redeem themselves and change, sometimes they don’t. But the best-written baddies have one thing in common–they’re multi-faceted.
****SO who’s your baddest of the BAD? Does he/she change throughout the story?****
Gone with the Wind is one of my all time fav's! It's such a complex story that you find yourself liking and hating various characters throughout.
Totally agree that Hilly is the worst! When I was reading that book I kept waiting for her to have SOME redeeming feature, but she didn't!
Oooh, this is a tough one. In all the best stories, I go from hating to liking a character so many times 🙂
Can't think of any books off the top of my head, but one of my favorite villains is the Joker from Batman. He's just so wicked how can you not be impressed?
I'm going to have to Snape, because out of all the many villains I can think of he has the most depth to his character.
I hate to admit that I haven't read much of HP books (up to the 3rd book, maybe?). But I think they picked a good actor for Snape in the movie version–you were never sure if he was good or bad. Good example!
The baddest changes with what I'm watching or reading. With the Games of Thrones resuming in April, I'm watching the first season over again and I vote for Little Finger as the worst ever.
I'm totally behind the times, but that's a TV show, right, Susan?