I haven’t blogged in a while and just wanted to touch base with everyone at the end of 2014 (here already!!!). First of all, I wanted to ask you if you ever do a theme word of the year? I didn’t last year, but for 2013 the word was “BLESSING,” and boy oh boy, did God bless me in ways I didn’t expect: the publication of my first book, God’s Daughter. A job for my husband. And the list goes on.
For 2015, I am feeling like it’s time to let go of my plans even more. To loosen my grip on my marketing, to block off time for what I love to do (write), and to leave lots of room for God to step in and show me where I need to go. I went through several dark years where I couldn’t see His leading, where I felt abandoned and forgotten. But this year, I was reminded that my faith is in a God who is so much greater than I am. He can turned blocked paths into brilliant vistas. He can comfort when we feel all hope is lost.
If I had to sum up what I’ve learned in 2014, it would be with the word TRUST. I’ve been reading Knowing God by J. I. Packer and I have learned so much. I have talked to godly women who have encouraged me to see past the dark times and trust God is in control.
But what about 2015? The word for this year will be:
Because why not? Let me admit, I’m the first to expect the worst and plan accordingly. But the more I realize God’s plans are sooo much bigger and better than mine, that He works all things together for good for those who love Him, the more I want to take risks and stand out and be bold with those dreams I have. And to keep dreaming up new ones!
I am so thankful for each and every one of you, my friends and readers. It has been a great year, with two new books out, speaking and book signing opportunities, and lots of bookish plans for 2015.
But what always means the most to me is interacting with you. Your emails and letters of encouragement and prayers. Your participation and comments! So please comment below with YOUR word for 2015, if you have one! Praying you have a safe and blessed 2015.
I am so glad this year has built success on success!
My word for 2015 is Hirihokenten. It’s actually a phrase, transliterated into Japanese, originally penned by a Chinese philosopher. It means, “considering debt is important; considering death is not important”.
In other words…life is all about responsibility.
It was adopted by Masashige Kusunoki as his personal motto. He took his own life after the Battle of the Minato River (Minatogawa) in 1366, and is revered as an example of steadfast loyalty in Japan.
There is a touching side-note – Masashige’s wife wrote him a letter after his final departure, and said that she wished that time might be as a spool of thread, that is could unreel and make the past the present.
Beautiful word and meaning, Andrew, though tragic in that he took his own life. What a poetic letter from his wife. I pray that 2015 is a memorable and beautiful year for you. Thankful for friends like you who encourage others and share your heart.
Thanks, Heather!
Heather, I love your word for 2015, “dream”. I’m praying that God blesses your creativity and writing in a big way this year, and causes you to fall in love with storytelling all over again. I know you’re stretched for time, and today’s marketing demands on authors just complicate that even more. I think my word for this year might be “blessing”. 😉 I’m praying and waiting on the Lord for a dependable routine to work blocks of writing into, and trying to focus on rest for the time being. Happy New Year, Heather!
“Blessing” was such a wonderful word for me that year…I hadn’t felt God’s blessing, it seemed, and then truly He started blessing in ways I didn’t see coming! Praying you have time to write although I know YOU will be busy this year with a new little one! 🙂 Thank you for your good wishes. Yes, time to stop worrying about marketing and get back into writing for me.
I haven’t really thought about a word of the year for myself, but I love the one you’ve chosen. Hooray for pursuing those dreams. 🙂 Happy New Year!
You too, Karen! Thanks for being such a blessing to me this year! All the best to you and yours.
What a great word for 2015!
I know you are a huge blessing to me. You’ve inspired, encouraged, and taught me so much. Praying for you and your family.
As for my “word”, I haven’t heard from God on what it should be. Last year was REJOICE and the year before was to DEPEND on Him. I think I’m still needing to focus on those two things…oh and learn to REST in Him.
I know, TC…sometimes those words are things we’re still learning. I feel like FAITH is something God is still teaching me about, even though it was kind of my unofficial word for last year. Praying for you and yours in this new year too!