I’m not going to elaborate here, I just want to refer you on to the Married…with Fiction post today, because it’s something I wish I’d had when I started querying. ALL kinds of info from all kinds of agencies, compiled in one place. PLEASE check it out, tweet and FB it all over the place for aspiring authors who are ready to dive into the query trenches.
Because contrary to popular belief, it is possible to land an agent via old-fashioned querying. You do NOT have to go to conferences. I’ve gotten two agents this way. While I’d love to go to a conference at some point, it’s just not in the budget for me right now.
Here’s the link to the query-writing post to end all query-writing posts…and I’m not bragging on myself since my friend Becky Doughty did all the hard work writing this one!: Ten Steps to Writing a Great Query .
And Monday, I’m interviewing Ian Acheson, author of ANGELGUARD. Hope you can stop by then!
It certainly was a great post, Heather. I printed a copy for future reference. 🙂