Forgive the shouting, but I’ve waited such a long time to say that!
All kinds of cool kickoff stuff going on today (or tonight, if you stayed up till 12:01 am to read this!). But FIRST I want to share the link with you, so you can order your copy of God’s Daughter on Amazon, if you’re thus inclined. Just click on the book below!
God’s Daughter is also available on Smashwords (and in a couple weeks on Nook, Kobo, ipad, SonyReader) here. I’m also hoping to get hard copies ready before Thanksgiving, but no promises, peeps! Ha.
Okay. So…look up to the top of the page here–do you see the new pages? We now have a God’s Daughter Glossary, chock-full of Norse terms from the novel (and links to some visuals–check out the seax!!! Yeah, that’s my Gudrid’s weapon of choice…). Also, we have Gudrid’s Family Tree, so you can hopefully follow Gudrid’s parentage and husband trail…after all, she did have three husbands. Hoping this will make it easier for you as you read the novel. There IS a map at the start of the novel, so please check that so you have an idea of where these Vikings were sailing.
And in honor of kickoff day, we have five posts going up! I will plug these links, and if they’re not up tonight, you’ll see them tomorrow!
You can find me here on Southern Writers’ Suite T.
Becky Doughty’s riveting review of God’s Daughter is up here.
On Gabrielle Meyer’s blog, you can find my guest post on Viking research and there’s a chance to win an e-copy of God’s Daughter, as well as a six-author giveaway here.
AND the only other CBA Viking-writer I know, the inimitable Michelle Griep, is sharing her smashing review here.
I’m also visiting my homeschooling, homesteading friend Heather Harris here, talking about homeschooling and writing novels.
And to really spread the contagious excitement, I’m sharing a vlog below that Becky Doughty (my crit partner extraordinaire) and I made when she came to visit West Virginia (READ: spend over half her visit formatting my book, bless her). I know it’s choppy–we didn’t realize how lousy my new webcam was. But Becky had some great questions and kept me laughing, as well. Check it out!
And thank you ALL for checking out this book. So many of you have followed me all over the place, encouraging me every step of the way. VIRTUAL GROUP HUG!
Finally, would love it if you’d tweet that you’re buying the book today/tonight, if you do. You can hashtag it #GODSDAUGHTER or #Vikings, if you want. Once you read it, please leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads if it makes an impression on you, and most importantly, please tell your friends about it! Word of mouth is the best thing ever, especially for a self-pubbed author!
All I can say is YOWZA and I cannot WAIT to get your feedback on God’s Daughter!
Hugs from me to you, Heather! Congratulations!
And back atcha! So amazing!
So excited God’s Daughter is doing so well! Congratulations, my friend.
Thanks so much, Bethany! I appreciate all your help spreading the word!