Today, I’m announcing the winner of the Submerged book giveaway on my video blog.
I’m also throwing myself out there and giving you the pitch I might have given the editors at ACFW, had I been able to attend.
I based my pitch setup on Rachelle Gardner’s excellent pitch post here: I’m sure I botched it up somewhat (totally forgot to list my writing “street cred”), but I wanted to give you the general idea of how a pitch CAN look. Also, I wanted to encourage you that your pitch will be better-rehearsed and, doubtless, better presented than mine! (A little hint: you might need a hair barette if your bangs fall incessantly in your eyes, like mine did on this video (so sorry!).
So please click the PLAY button (I know, it’s usually a black screen at first! And you might have to click it 2x to get it to load.) and find out a little more about my book. IF you feel so led, post your own pitch on your blog and let me know the link! And fill me in–do you write it all out first? Just hit the high points? Are you focusing on character or plot? And, most importantly, what will you wear?
Winner, I will be emailing you tomorrow, in case you don’t watch this video!
Is it weird that I want to talk back to you cuz it feels like we just Skyped???GREAT pitch! Just talk faster. Y'all.
Heather – You're a brave woman! What a great idea. I think more people should do these. I've been gearing up to vlogging myself but I get the camera on and end up doing three minutes of making faces instead…..Great pitch. I'm so excited to read this!!!!!!!!!!!
What a fantastic idea! I'm pumped to read this novel, and all subsequent stories in your Viking series. Such an untapped period of history, and love, love, love that your MC deals with such relevant struggles.Great work, Heather. Maybe I should drum up the courage to follow suit…
Thanks so much, Diana! Yes, DO IT! Send me the link! And Becky and Jennifer, you know you want to do those vlog pitches too!
(And Diana, I love that thistle pic over on your blog! Thistles are beautiful!)
You are so cute! Nice work, little buddy!
Thanks, Michelle! I learn from watching the pro video bloggers, like you!
Am I the only guy who wants to read this? Sounds great!You're very brave doing vlog's. I'm too camera shy for that. I thought your pitch went very well, and will be awesome when practised. You outlined your characters and motivations with great panache and passion. Vikings rule!
Thanks, Graeme! Well, I know my agent likes it and he's a guy! And my hubby might, if I'd LET him read it…I do think the plotline appeals to men and women, esp. since I tried hard to make my men very true-to-life dudes. Some are naturally more sensitive than others, some more aggressive, etc.Glad you enjoyed this. I would need to cut this thing down! So hard to know what to eliminate.
The story reminds me of what Philippa Gregory has done in her books about the Tudor era. PG and HDG take what can be known from the historical record and then attempt to fill in the details, guessing at the personal conflicts and motives that surely animated the real people of our history. I think it's a great way to bring history alive. Hagiographies diminish their subjects. A great person–like Gudrid–is great because she is a REAL person with real weaknesses and temptations who happened to live an extraordinary life. I'm excited that Gudrid's story has been told in such a fascinating and relatable way. As a guy, I think God's Daughter would make a great movie. What's not to like? A beautiful woman. Unforgiving settings. Adventure. Combat.
Hi Heather!! I just found your blog! yay! I'm so behind. anyway, I think this vlog pitch was a super idea. I am trying to find ways to amp up my blog and I think vlogging might just be it. You are so fun. Like Jennifer said, it does feel like we were skyping. You did a good job. I'd mess up so badly. lol. Yay for historical writing! My WIP is set in WWII Nazi Germany. :)Well have a great day and hope an editor sees this and gives your agent a call!
Thanks so much, Morgan! I'll go find your blog, too! And your book time period sounds very interesting. Historicals can be so informative, yet so gripping!
Fascinating, Heather! I learned something today–I didn't know that Virginia Dare wasn't the first non-Native American to be born in North America. I'm sold on your story. Great pitch! Hmmm…I'll play around with a video pitch, and we'll see if its not humiliating…lol!
Sounds so exciting! I can't wait to read it! Thanks for sharing. You looked great.
Gwendolyn, I'd LOVE to see your video pitch! And TC, thanks for the complements. This haircut is about to drive me nutso.
You threw me off at Leif Erickson. I was like, "He wasn't a Viking, he was a 70's teen idol!" And then it hit me…Leif Garrett! Bwahahahahaha! You are so classy and beautiful. I love listening to you talk. It's soothing! I think your book sounds wonderful! I will miss meeting you. Last year I wanted to attend so badly and was going to, but then my husband felt led to go back to Thailand and we just couldn't swing both. I know how you feel! 🙂
Ha! Yes, Jessica, Leif EIRIKSSON and Leif GARRETT are not one and the same! Isn't Leif just a cool name, though?And thanks for the compliments–right back atcha, you captivating vlogger you! Hoping you have a blast at conference–I know you will!
Hi Heather, it's Tedra. We met (kinda) over at Rachelle's blog on Books and Such. Just wanted to drop by and say hi. Love the blog by the way. I'm veiwing on mobile and I can't watch your pitch but I'll will and I'm sure it'll be great.
Thanks for stopping by, Latedra! I was just pondering writing a poem for my quotes Wed. but didn't know if people like it! Are you writing a Norse YA, did you say? As in Vikings?
Yes but my MS focuses more on the Norse gods. My wolves are descendants from Odin's pet wolf Freki, whom fell from Asgard during Ragnork. Here's a bit about it.Jenna never wanted to be a Freki wolf. She never wanted her love life dictated to her. She most definitly nevet wanted to be heir to a whole nation of Freki. But when her nemeisis and third heir in line after her, Myra, blackmails her into comanding her away from the pack, Jenna is faced with losing everything she never wanted.Jenna wakes up the next morning with no memory of the night before, only her brother's word that the pack found her by The Deep last night where small traces of a missing Myra lingered. Myra's family's power is missing; so is Jenna's but she's keeping quiet about. Suspicions are already being thrown her way, specifically by Myra's father and her mate. Especially since other girls have been murdered too, girls with a bone to pick with Jenna.Only one other person knows what really happened that night nut he's not pact and he's not telling. And Jenna has no idea who he is. Can Jenna find the truth before the pack is forced to choose sides and if they choose, will they choose hers?Its a WIP but so far so good. Let me know if your interested and I'll shoot you a chapter or two.
My friend, Gwendolyn Gage, ALSO did a video pitch! Find it here: Sounds like a book I want to read, Gwendolyn!
Alrighty…I took your challenge. Here's my pitch:
What a great idea! I enjoyed getting to know you. You present yourself well!
Thanks, Jennifer! I do like talking about my books! Glad you stopped by!